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Offshore Installations Surveys

Offshore Installations Surveys

Offshore Installations Surveys

Larsens Marine Surveyors and Consultants are BOSIET / FOET trained.

Our surveys and audits of Offshore Floating Units can be used in conjunction with each other in order to provide a report on the structural condition of the Offshore Floating Unit and also to confirm that company procedures are being followed, identify areas for improvement and identify areas of good practice.

Structural surveys can include all available and accessible areas of the unit including confined space entry, rafting and both internal and external drone surveys.

With experience in the recovery of FSO condition for oil majors Larsen Marine Surveyors & Consultants staff can assist the operators of offshore units in returning assets to an acceptable condition when Class, Flag State, Coastal State or charterers have commented on this. We always remain mindful that the challenges faced by the operators of offshore floating units are unique to these structures and that these cannot be dealt with in the same manner as similar sized ships.

At Larsens Marine Surveyors & Consultants we can also produce long term planned maintenance plans for the machinery and structure of offshore floating units which incorporate the requirements of class and regulatory bodies whilst minimising disruption to import, storage and export activities.

Larsens Marine Surveyors & Consultants can also perform operations / in service audits against the operator’s procedures. These audits are performed on board the unit during normal activities and can include the offloading process to shuttle tankers. In these cases an audit is performed of the offshore unit and of the shuttle tanker. When auditing the shuttle tanker this shall include the arrival at the unit, entering the exclusion zone, receiving oil (ship to ship procedures), passage to terminal and unloading at terminal.

Operational audits allow operators of offshore units to identify areas for improvement in their operations and also to gain confidence in the shuttle tankers which are interfacing with the floating unit and carrying product on their behalf.

About LMSC

  • BOSIET / FOET trained
  • Experienced personnel
  • Experience in the recovery of FSO condition for oil majors
  • Have in depth knowledge & experience with Class, Flag State & Coastal State Administrations

What we do for you

  • Confirm that company procedures are being followed
  • Structural condition of the Offshore Floating Units
  • Produce long term planned maintenance plans for the machinery and structure of offshore floating units
  • Operations / in service audits against the operator’s procedures

Benefits of using us

  • Provide a flexible service
  • Provide appropriately qualified personnel
  • Provide fast efficient reports
  • Produce professional, clear and factual documentation

If you would like to know more about how Larsens Marine can help you please click on the Contact Us link below